Last Friday Bluehost, our hosting provider, blocked this web site. Bluehost promised to delete our blog within 10 days. The site had been blocked for four days until we completed migration to a new hosting earlier today. Needless to say, I was...
International Herald Tribune published an article on how Belarusian authorities try to balance between Russia and the European Union. The article agrees that the messages Minsk has been sending over the last few months are mixed. On the one...
WASHINGTON – The annual report of Global Integrity, a Washington D.C.-based independent think-tank, tracked corruption trends around the world.
Беларуска-Амэрыканскага Задзіночаньня ў Вашынгтоне адбудзецца 28 лютага ў суботу, з 3-5 вечара. Запрашаем усіх сяброў і прыхільнікаў гуртка БАЗА з Вашынгтону, Вірджыніі, Мэрыленда і Дэлавэра. Парадак дня: 1) Перавыбары кіраўніцтва (старшыні, заступніка|скарбніка, сакратара) 2) Мінулая праца (паездкі, сустрэчы,...
The United States chargé d’affaires in Belarus Jonathan Moore commented on the situation with U.S. sanctions against Lukashenka’s regime.
WASHINGTON - The turnout at the Washington exhibition of Belarusian artists “Art against Dictatorship” was unexpectedly high. The German Marshall Fund was initially planning a small...
Euronews analyzed the most recent developments in Belarus-EU relations. The video report concluded that the main reason for what Belarusian authorities turned to the West is because Minsk is short of cash. There are signs Belarus is opening up. But...
WASHINGTON – David Marples has written on the most recent developments in EU-Belarus relations in the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Monitor.
The German Marshall Fund of the United States hosts a round table on Belarus on Thursday, February 12 at 3:30 pm. The...
Беларус Мікалай Судзілоўскі назаўжды застанецца ў гісторыі як Прэзідэнт Сенату Гавайскіх астравоў і змагар... за незалежнасьць Гаваяў ад Злучаных Штатаў. Рэвалюцыянер-раманцік Мікалай Судзілоўскі прысьвяціў...
The Third Way of Belarus, the Belarusian Museum in New York and other organizations with the generous support of the German Marshall Fund of the United States are presenting "Art Against Dictatorship". This traveling exhibition addresses the integral part...