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Congress Of Belarusian Studies Scheduled for October in Kaunas
Organisers of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies officially published its list of sections and panels for the upcoming event. This year's Congress will include a wide range topics such as culture, Belarusian language translations of the Bible and problems...
17 July 2014
How to Make the ESSYB Scholarships More Effective? An OESS Alumnus Perspective

This autumn nearly 200 aspiring students will start their studies at different European universities with the support of the European Scholarship Scheme for Young Belarusians (ESSYB) managed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It provided them an excellent...

8 May 2014
Belarusian Science: Gerontocratic, Isolated, and Unproductive

At the end of March, Aleksander Lukashenka gathered the management of Belarus' scientific institutions and top government officials to discuss the problems of Belarusian science. The meeting revealed that much of what the National Academy of Sciences brands as its...

11 October 2013
Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies Kicks Off in Lithuania (Online Broadcast)

On 11 October, the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies starts in Kaunas, a city in the west of Lithuania. The congress remains a unique event which brings together many scholars of Belarus. Some call the event an academic supermarket, as...

28 September 2012
Live Broadcast: 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies

Around 200 scholars from around the world involved in studying Belarus and East-Central Europe are taking part in the 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies which takes place on September 28-30, 2012 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The Congress brought together researches...

4 August 2011
Rethinking Belarus After 20 Years of Independence

On 23 September 2011 the first annual congress of Belarusian social science scholars will begin in Lithuania. It will bring together a wide spectrum of political scientists, historians, sociologists and experts from other disciplines. Belarus Digest is the event's...