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Russian Subsidies Are Not Enough: Belarus Seeks a New IMF Loan
Later this month Belarusian authorities plan to negotiate with the IMF a new $3.8bn loan to refinance its existing debt to the organization. With generous subsidies from Russia, the government managed to stabilize the situation in the Belarusian economy...
9 December 2011
Belarus the Indebted

The Belarusian government spent the whole year actively looking for money to sustain the collapsing socio-economic model. It was looked for everywhere: in the West and the East, in Europe, Asia and Latin America, at the IMF and EurAsEC....

9 November 2011
No IMF Loan for Belarus Because Political Prisoners Do Not Want to Be Free?

If Russia does not increase the amount of subsidies to Belarus, Lukashenka will have to accept the proposals of the Ministry of Economy and the National Bank: to privatize (or rather, to carry out the nomenklatura privatization of) one...

22 September 2011
How to Solve the Debt Servicing Problem: Proposals of the Nomenklatura and Lukashenka

In August, speaking at a meeting of the Government, Vice Prime Minister Siarhiej Rumas expressed the need to work out a strategy of repayment of the growing external debt of Belarus. According to Rumas, by the end of 2011 the...

19 July 2011
Belarus Economy Digest: Retaining the Status Quo

The development of the crisis in Belarus has slowed down and the macroeconomic situation has been temporarily balanced. The state program of privatization struggles to achieve its goals because of the lack of buyers but the foreign trade balance...

10 July 2011
IMF Loan as a Prepayment for Political Prisoners?

The Belarusian government and the National Bank of Belarus recently applied for a stabilization loan from  the International Monetary Fund. Prime-Minister Miasnikovich noted on 1 June 2011 that Belarus expected to receive USD 3.5 – 8 billion from the...

28 May 2011
Lukashenka’s Prisoners Dilemma

As the economic crisis deepens, Belarusian authorities have become increasingly worried about possible social unrest. There are good reasons for them to worry. Not only is the country in the midst of the worst economic crisis in its modern...