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Why Belarusians Cannot Afford Housing in Belarus
In 2015, prices for Belarusian apartments fell by about a quarter. Yet few Belarusians can afford to purchase an apartment even at this cheaper price. Interest rates are incredibly high, reaching 30-35% per annum. Banks also impose loan requirements...
30 January 2015
The Government is Preparing for a Recession – Belarus Economy Digest

For 2015, any positive growth would be considered a great success for the Belarusian authorities. Apart from external shocks, several structural challenges have emerged. A spike in inflation, deeper depreciation of the national currency, the distress of the banking industry,...

28 December 2009
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus

An interview with Michail Holasaŭ (Mikhail Golosov), a Belarus-born economics professor at Yale University. The initiative of these people is really worth admiration. It is very important for the Belarusian...

17 November 2009
Financial Times: Behemoths in Belarus Belie Stalling Economy
Financial Times: Behemoths in Belarus Belie Stalling Economy

London's Financial Times published another piece on Belarus economy. About a year ago the leading European business newspaper released a special supplement devoted to promotion...

28 August 2009
The IMF Asks the Belarus Government to Weaken its Grip over the Economy

WASHINGTON – Having concluded another round of consultations with Belarus authorities, the International Monetary Fund urges the Government to sell state assets, curb lending and raise...

21 July 2009
Barely Solvent but Ready to Gamble
Barely Solvent but Ready to Gamble

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s playing Moscow against the West is turning a profit in the midst of global economic crisis. Having received $1.5 billion from Russia and $1.5 billion from the International...

19 April 2009
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97

The United States chargé d’affaires in Belarus Jonathan Moore recently gave an interview to Charter97. Below is the full text of the interview: - Mr. Moore, an...