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Why Support Belarus Digest?
Who is in the New Belarusian Parliament?
The 2012 parliamentary election in Belarus is over. The Central Elections Committee announced those who will be in the new parliament. A typical MP is a non-partisan male aged between 50 and 60. He made his career in state sector...
27 September 2012
Elections Without Winners

The 2012 parliamentary campaign election campaign ended in defeat of all political actors in Belarus. On the one hand, the Belarusian opposition was unable to mobilise society. On the other hand, the authorities received the expected results from a made up...

24 September 2012
Watch Live: International Election Observers Press Conference in Minsk

The international observers monitoring the parliamentary elections in Belarus present their preliminary post-election statement at a news conference in Minsk.  The international observation is a common endeavour involving the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the Parliamentary...

21 September 2012
Opposition Groups Call Not to Vote – Parliamentary Elections Digest

As early voting continues police targets both opposition groups which actively take part in elections and those who call to boycott the elections. A number of opposition parties withdraw their candidates and urge not to participate in elections.  Opposition...

18 September 2012
Minsk’s “Election” Message to the West

Belarusian authorities do not allow even a minimal level of electoral competition and openly censor opposition candidates in the ongoing parliamentary election campaign. The campaign looks like a staged show in which the incumbent regime only needs to make sure...

26 March 2012
Why Does the “Last Dictatorship in Europe” Hold Elections?

Two things are already certain about the September 2012 parliamentary election in Belarus. First, the ballot will once again be rigged so that the “right” candidates are elected. Second, the West will not recognise the elections as free and...

2 October 2011
Digest of This Week’s Belarus-Related Events in Warsaw

Official Minsk refused to take part in the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw this week. According to the special statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 30 September, the organizers of the Eastern Partnership Summit have applied an unprecedented...