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Vadzim Bylina
Vadzim Bylina
Vadzim Bylina is a researcher at the Institute of Political Studies 'Political Sphere' based in Minsk and Vilnius.
4 October 2013
Global Belarusian Leaders Plan to Unite Successful Emigrants

Global Belarusian Leaders organisation (GBL) came into existence at the end of August in Vilnius, Lithuania. The founders propose an alternative to the conventional Belarusian emigre networks and seek to unite immigrants who will be able to give their country a hand...

3 July 2013
Belarus Independence Day: Reviving the Soviet Myths

Today Belarus celebrates its Independence Day. Yesterday, the Square of the National flag opened next to the new building of Residency of President with great pomp. Veterans of the WWII, famous Belarusian sportsmen, officials and youth swore allegiance to the...

17 June 2013
Reviving Partisan: Solidarity of Minsk Football Fans

Minsk football club Partisan-MTZ recently became a symbol of solidarity for football fans in the post-Soviet space. In 2004 -2012 the club belonged to Lithuanian businessman Vladimir Romanov, well-known for his investment in football. While Romanov was doing business in Belarus, the...

10 May 2013
Belarus: The Great Patriotic War vs the Second World War

On 9 May the annual parade took place in Minsk to honour the victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. According to today's official statistics during that war every third Belarusian inhabitant died. Nazis killed around  600-800...

19 April 2013
Belarus Music: From Propaganda to Protest (+Videos)

On Saturday 13 April, around 4 pm the most popular Belarusian music channel BelMuzTV was broadcasting porn. The video engineer working at the channel for reasons which are not yet clear added a porn film to the playlist and headed off...

1 April 2013
The Secret Dealings of Berezovsky and Lukashenka

The unexpected death of Boris Berezovsky has moved his relations with the Belarusian authorities into the spotlight. Over the past 15 years Boris Berezovsky regularly appeared in Belarusian politics. Analysts are even discussing a possible friendship between Boris Berezovsky...

21 February 2013
The World of Tanks

In 2012 the most recognisable Belarusian brand abroad was World of Tanks according to Belarusian contest The brand of the year. Produced by Belarus-based Wargaming it allows hundreds of thousands of players play the computer game at the same time....

29 January 2013
Belarusian Ultras and the Regime

Recent successes of football club BATE Barysau in the Champion League caught attention not only of supporters from all over the Europe but also of the Belarusian authorities. Achievements of FC BATE often appear in public speeches of Lukashenka. Answering...

11 January 2013
Minsk Toponymics: Communist Street Names in a Medieval City

In today’s Minsk most of street names refer to the Communist period. The streets named after Lenin, Komsomol, Marx, Communism dominate the historical centre of the city founded in 1067. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union Minsk cultural landscape was...