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IMF Approves of Belarus’ Economic Policy

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission competed its third review of the country’s Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) in Minsk on Nov. 10-19. The mission scrutinized the implementation of the economic program tied to IMF’s loan to Belarus.

Chief of IMF mission...


The original 15-month SBA for $2.46 billion was approved on January 12, 2009. On June 29, 2009 financial support was increased to US$3.63 billion. After the first disbursal of $787.9 million in January, the IMF said disbursement of the remainder was subject to quarterly reviews.

Belarus has experienced a relatively modest economic contraction compared to other crisis-hit countries despite a considerable decline in exports. In 2009 inflation in Belarus has been 10.5%.

Read the IMF press release

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