Launch of a Free-of-Charge, Multifunctional Electronic Platform for European Neighbourhood Countries

Launch of a free-of-charge, multifunctional electronic platform for European Neighbourhood countries, allowing for both advanced innovative e-learning and free participation in stationary workshops in Poland
Comprehensive information on European Union- and European Neighbourhood Policy-related matters, including the best practices and future challenges, now publicly available online and accessible from mobile devices and tablets.
Since March 2016, over 700 people from countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy have already registered for the E-Platform, administered by the College of Europe Natolin Campus, and over 400 people seized the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and improve their qualifications.
Nowadays, it is almost impossible to consider effective and innovative teaching and learning channels without linking them with the Virtual Learning Environment, Information and Communication Technologies and tools for personalising the education for learners (e.g. B-learning).
The development of electronic media, Internet, along with widespread use of mobile devices and applications, resulted in a massive increase of interest in information processing and knowledge creation through electronic learning mechanisms.
In step with these educational trends, the College of Europe Natolin Campus, with its mission to foster knowledge about the European integration process, Europe’s cultural and historical heritage, and the evolution of EU policies, is putting into operation a unique electronic platform and blended learning instruments.
This comprehensive project, which is funded by the European Union with EUR 1,0 Mio, encompasses and reinforces the understanding of various EU policies, and offers a wide range of free of charge educational solutions:
- The distance learning component, consisting of 10 knowledge-based e-learning courses and 5 skills-building courses. inter alia: Anti-Corruption, DCFTA, Human Rights Protection, IBM and Migration Policies, Effective Application for EU Funding, Fund-Raising Skills, and others.
- An Information Database System (IDS) with systematised public information and documentation on the EU, ENP, EU-ENP relations, and best practices.
- An online Expert Forum, enabling participants’ discussions and exchanges with experienced practitioners and scholars working on, or interested in the European Union- and ENP-related matters.
Furthermore, the online component is accompanied by a series of face-to-face sessions/workshops for 150 best performing E-Platform participants (75 from ENP-East and 75 from ENP-South) which will take place in Poland. The participation, as well as training materials, is free of charge (including board and lodging, and travel expenses).
I consider the E-Platform as a diligent and up-to-date source of knowledge and information concerning the EU, especially regarding selected policies, best practices and human capital investments, as well as a comprehensive and interactive electronic tool that should inspire ENP citizens to enhance their professional expertise and skills, something that is so crucial in the current economic and social climate
highlighted an expert in economic policies of the EU, management and administration, prof. Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse, Head of the EU Policies Unit, Institute of European Studies at the University of Warsaw.
If you have ever considered widening your knowledge on EU– and ENP-related issues, then you should definitely get involved in this professional and educational initiative, and visit our website:
For more information, please contact:
Ms Renate Utzschmid, Programme Manager Regional Programmes Neighbourhood East, DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
Ms Judyta Fiedin, Project Team Leader, College of Europe Natolin Campus
This article has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.