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Why Support Belarus Digest?

Let the world know what is happening in Belarus! Support Belarus Digest now

Today the interest in what is happening in Belarus is greater than ever. At the same time, we witness a catastrophic lack of reliable and timely information on events in Belarus in English. If this crowdfunding campaign is successful,...

Today the interest in what is happening in Belarus is greater than ever. At the same time, we witness a catastrophic lack of reliable and timely information on events in Belarus in English. If this crowdfunding campaign is successful, Belarus Digest will resume its work until the situation in the country becomes calmer.

Belarus Digest started as a volunteer initiative but as we grew in size and build our team we benefited tremendously from the support of various corners of the world. We covered Belarus continuously from 2008 to 2019, and a total of over 30 different people have contributed content.

For almost two years, Belarus Digest had no funding and eventually had to discontinue regularly publishing articles. But today a group of former Belarus Digest authors with different political views but united by the need to cover fundamental political changes underway in Belarus came together again. They share concerns about massive violence on the streets of Belarus, hope for the growing civic activism in the country, and worry about protecting Belarus’s sovereignty in an uncertain geopolitical environment.

They agreed to write for Belarus Digest again.

Our authors have busy professional lives but understand the importance of the period Belarus is undergoing now, particularly a possible threat to its statehood and committed to this project.

What makes Belarus Digest unique?

Most of our authors are based in Belarus, fluent in English and experts in different fields – from foreign policy and human rights to security and politics. Belarus Digest is one of few Belarusian news outlets indexed by Google News and appears high in search results, which makes it influential. Over 10 years of its existence, it gained a reputation for a balanced, evidence-based analysis helping those interested in Belarus to learn what is actually happening in the country from Belarusians themselves.

Why does Belarus Digest need money?

Our experience has demonstrated, that volunteer authors, although usually driven by the best intentions, do not last long. To make coverage of events in Belarus stable, reliable and accessible funding is essential. We already work on preparing our articles. The money raised will cover the work on writing, editing, and proofreading articles, hosting name and  IT support. In addition, we plan to raise awareness of the situation in Belarus by targeting through social networks decision-makers, journalists and analysts based in other countries.

The texts written by Belarusians about Belarus will give them a more accurate picture of what is happening in the country and will help them make better decisions. Our authors are now overwhelmed with requests for interviews and reviving Belarus Digest should help.

How can you help?

You can pay by credit card or Paypal by clicking here. Any sum would help.

Yarik Kryvoi
Yarik Kryvoi
Yarik Kryvoi is the editor-in-chief of Belarus Digest and the founder of the Ostrogorski Centre.
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