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Bialiacki, Civil Dialogue, Roundtables in Minsk – Belarus Civil Society Digest
A new project Civic Dialogue gathered representatives of both state and independent think tanks, journalists and officials.   Participants of the “What Do Belarusian Businesses Think” discussed results of latest research on competitiveness of Belarusian regions.  Ales Bialacki may be amnestied, opposition...
30 December 2013
Economic Growth Slows but Prices Rise – December Digest of Belarusian Economy

Over the recent months the rate of economic growth in Belarus has been gradually declining. For eleven months the GDP grew only by 0.9%. A decline in industrial production had a detrimental effect on economic growth. Despite the decrease in...

27 November 2013
Need For External Financing and Ambiguous Business Perspectives – November Digest of Belarus Economy

This November showed the need for foreign capital in the Belarusian economy is becoming more and more acute. By the end of October the international reserves of Belarus decreased by $575m and amounted to $6.813bn. This number is much lower than the $8,500 predicted...

14 November 2013
Kastrychnicki Economic Forum: Why the Belarusian Economy Stagnates

Slow economic growth, inefficient capital accumulation and the steady outflow of its labour force from Belarus became the hottest topics at the Kastrychnicki Economic Forum (KEF) held on 5 November in Minsk.  For many years authorities responded to the criticism toward the Belarusian economic model...

4 November 2013
KEF Forum Brings Together Officials and Independent Experts to Discuss Belarus Economy

On 5 November experts on the Belarusian economy and government officials will take a closer look at the challenges the Belarusian economy faces at the October Economic Forum (KEF) in Minsk. Hotel Europa will host a one day conference 'New...

24 October 2013
The Plan to Save the Economy: October Digest of Belarusian Economy

On the 10 October 2013 the government and the National Bank of Belarus issued a plan for structural reforms of the Belarusian economy aimed to increase its competitiveness.​  Faced with major threats to its macroeconomic stability and the unfortunate timing of the...

16 October 2013
Europeanization from the Bottom, Bialiatski Gets Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize – Belarus Civil Society Digest

Ales Bialiatski received Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize for human rights defence in Belarus. IPM Research Centre, Belarusian Economic Research and Education Centre BEROC launched a new project "Economics live” on portal TUT.BY. Fond of Ideas together with the Pontis Foundation (Slovakia) will organise a forum in Minsk on corporate social responsibility.

26 September 2013
Stabilisation of Inflation and the Potassium Conflict – Digest of Belarus Economy

In August and September, the general public's attention was focused on the dispute between Belaruskali and Uralkali, the world's two largest producers of potash fertilisers. The conflict between two economic entities created additional difficulties for the Belarusian potash industry, as well as...

24 September 2013
Human Rights for Dummies, Belarusian Collegium – Belarus Civil Society Digest

A new project from "Human Rights for Dummies" campaign started recently. The Centre for European Transformation invites individuals for a series of analytical seminars. BEROC and the British Embassy in Minsk organise a student school for young economists.Human rights

30 July 2013
Fine for Foreign Aid, Ecotourism, Official Blacklist – Civil Society Digest

Some 300 delegates gathered in Minsk for the Sixth Congress of Belarusians of the World. Fond of Ideas explains why business should be socially responsible.New opportunities for environmental education await Belarusians. Among them, BEROC invites young Belarusians to participate...

29 July 2013
Belarusian Economy in Summer: Threats for Doing Business

Events that unfolded in June brought about new challenges for the development of the business environment in Belarus. Possible changes to the law on privatisation will impact the attractiveness of state assets and raise concerns regarding the level of property...

3 July 2013
Belarusian Economy: New Threats to Macroeconomic Stability

In the first half of 2013, a deteriorating external environment became the core reason for a downturn in GDP growth. Despite the government implemented expansionary policy to spur growth in the GDP, the domestic demand could not fully compensate...

23 May 2013
Belarusian Economy in May: Are We in Recession Yet?

Despite the united efforts of the government and the National Bank, the economy is growing very slowly. Belarus remains an economic wonderland.But if several years ago the growth rates were miraculous, today the miracle is the absence of growth under the...

30 April 2013
Belarusian Economy in April: GDP Growth, Privatisation and Monetary Policy

This April economic growth in Belarus was nearly at the level of last year's, which still remains significantly below the official forecast. The financial sector showed certain stability but the situation with attracting foreign capital and the nation's privatisation prospects...

8 April 2013
Belarusian Economy in March: Warming Up

Amidst the snowy spring of 2013, the National Bank of Belarus finally gave up on its attempts to maintain macroeconomic stability and turned its attention to the real sector.   The National Bank began carrying out a policy of providing...