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Anti-corruption party, ECLAB enrolment, White Legion released, Social Business Forum – Belarus civil society digest
Anti-corruption party, ECLAB enrolment, White Legion released, Social Business Forum – Belarus civil society digest
SYMPA/BIPART invite to an anti-corruption party. ECLAB opens student enrolment for the 2017-2018 academic year. First Social Business Forum takes place in Belarus. Civil Society Parallel Forum is held in Minsk ahead of the 26 annual OSCE PA session. Human...
29 June 2017
Ostrogorski Academy, Ostrogorski Forum 2017, brain-drain, religiosity – Ostrogorski Centre digest
Ostrogorski Academy, Ostrogorski Forum 2017, brain-drain, religiosity – Ostrogorski Centre digest

This June the Ostrogorski Centre launched the Ostrogorski Academy – a nonprofit educational project dedicated to disseminating knowledge of the humanities. The academy is the first Belarusian entirely online 'university’, based on a series of lectures, tests, podcasts on...

21 June 2017
Greenmap, Urban Picnic, UN human rights report, LGBTQ Support Centre – Belarus civil society digest

Greenmap Belarus wins a UN competition. 3rd Urban Picnic in Mahilioŭ gathers over 6,000 citizens. A new initiative makes Minsk as green as possible. EESC organises 10th annual United Students of Belarus Rally. BEROC opens enrolment to the 7th Student...

8 November 2016
Law on parasitism, Eduard Paĺčys released, non-formal education council – civil society digest

Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum (KEF 2016) took place in Minsk with over 500 participants including high level stakeholders from government, international (financial) institutions, business and civil society. Minsk Dialogue holds a conference on pan-European integration. Small vendors draft People's Law. Trade...

25 July 2016
Election Prediction Contest, Non-Formal Education, Vyshyvanka Day – Civil Society Digest

The Movement for Freedom invites to take part in an election prediction contest. The Belarusian Association of Journalists can be admitted to the state-organised Supervisory Council on the media during the parliamentary elections. VI Festival of Non-Formal Education took place in...