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Phillip Gordon to visit Belarus on Friday
Phillip Gordon to visit Belarus on Friday
As the proverb goes, guests bring joy twice: when they come and when they go. The increasing frequency of Western visitors to the Belarusian capital is a...
27 July 2009
Looking for ‘happiness on a different part of the planet’
Looking for ‘happiness on a different part of the planet’

“o one nation can meet the challenges of the 21st century on its own,” acknowledged the president of the United States Barack Obama in his speech to Chinese officials today. Uncharacteristically,...

21 July 2009
Barely Solvent but Ready to Gamble
Barely Solvent but Ready to Gamble

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s playing Moscow against the West is turning a profit in the midst of global economic crisis. Having received $1.5 billion from Russia and $1.5 billion from the International...

18 July 2009
The Real Shooting Distance of Belarusian Guns

The Belarusian government not only violates human rights at home, but also hand over fist contributes to their violations abroad, going just as unpunished. Last week Graduate Institute of International Studies issued a report titled “Small Arms Survey 2009: Shadows...

17 July 2009
Freedom House: Belarus is the only “Not Free” Country in Europe

WASHINGTON — Freedom House released its country reports on freedom in the world. Belarus remains the only European country classiffied as “Not Free”. A few former Soviet Union countries did better — Ukraine and Baltic States are regarded “Free”, while...

1 July 2009
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka, left, welcoming a group of U.S. congressmen in Minsk on Tuesday. Photo by Nikolai Petrov / Belta.
Will Belarus follow the US ‘road map’? US Congressmen visit Minsk to find out

 Detaining American citizens to hand them over...

15 June 2009
Obama Administration is Commited to Putting Pressure on Belarus Authories

The first move of Obama administration towards Belarus seems to be in line with the U.S. policy of putting pressure on Belarus for violations of human...

11 June 2009
IMF to lend Belarus an additional $1 billion
IMF to lend Belarus an additional $1 billion

Apparently, the IMF mission to Belarus was satisfied with the efforts the country is making to tackle its worst economic crises since early 1990-s. The fund agreed...

19 April 2009
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97

The United States chargé d’affaires in Belarus Jonathan Moore recently gave an interview to Charter97. Below is the full text of the interview: - Mr. Moore, an...

30 March 2009
“Does the Political Regime in Belarus Change” at Kennan Institute on April 27
“Does the Political Regime in Belarus Change” at Kennan Institute on April 27

Alexandra Goujon will give a talk “Does the Political Regime in Belarus Change” on Monday, April 27 at noon at Kennan Institute. Alexandra Goujon is an Assistant Professor of Political...

22 March 2009
CBS International Summer School for Belarusian Studies in Poland

The Center for Belarusian Studies at Southwestern College (Winfield, KS) invites undergraduate and graduate students to participate in its first International Summer School for Belarusian Studies from July 6 to August 7, 2009.

17 March 2009
No Agreement between EU Countries on Belarus
No Agreement between EU Countries on Belarus

An interesting overview of divergences within the European Union on the Belarusian issue appeared in an article published by Radio Liberty Free Europe.

13 March 2009
Eurasia Daily Monitor on Economic Crises in Belarus
Eurasia Daily Monitor on Economic Crises in Belarus

   WASHINGTON - Eurasia Daily Monitor has published an article about the impact of economic crises on Belarus and whom Belarusians tend to blame for the crises: Economic Problems Beset Belarus March 13,...

11 March 2009
IMF: Belarus’ Economic Challenges More Difficult
IMF: Belarus’ Economic Challenges More Difficult

WASHINGTON - The economic situation in Belarus has worsened since the eastern European country signed a $2.46 billion loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund in January, the IMF said...

5 March 2009
The United States Mission to the OSCE on New Political Prisoners in Belarus

Today the United States Mission to the OSCE has realeased the following statement regarding the arrest of political prisoners in Belarus: Madam Chairwoman,