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China Helps an Ailing Autocracy
On 8 November Minsk signed a deal with Dagong Credit Rating Co Ltd, China’s largest credit ratings agency, to assess its sovereign credit rating. State-owned Dagong may issue a more favorable rating than the US agency Standard & Poor’s,...
9 November 2011
No IMF Loan for Belarus Because Political Prisoners Do Not Want to Be Free?

If Russia does not increase the amount of subsidies to Belarus, Lukashenka will have to accept the proposals of the Ministry of Economy and the National Bank: to privatize (or rather, to carry out the nomenklatura privatization of) one...

7 November 2011
Civil Society Platform, Republican Social Forum held in Belarus – Civil Society Digest

Conference of the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society, unsuccessful legal challenge of new laws restricting civil society activities were among the main developments last week.  Conference of the Belarusian National Platform....

5 November 2011
The New Grand Army of Lukashenka

Following military manoeuvres in the south of Belarus last Friday, the Belarusian ruler put forth a completely new idea for developing public administration. He ordered the formation of a new army called the territorial defence troops. The idea is reminiscient...

5 November 2011
American and German Experts on How To Deal with Belarus – Digest of Belarusian Analytics

Last month was rich in international events and analytical materials discussing the situation in Belarus. On 25-26 October Belarus was discussed on both sides of the Atlantic - at the US-Central Europe Forum in Prague and at the Carnegie...

4 November 2011
Eduard Melnikau: Focus on Internet-Tailored Products and Grassroots Journalism

Belarus Digest interviewed Eduard Melnikau, founder of the first independent Belarusian-language TV channel Belsat. Currently he is a Member of Board of the Belarusian Association of Journalists and one of the Belsat program producers. His TV-studio VISATA, based in Lithuania,...

3 November 2011
Long Live Stalin?

Last Sunday, a thousand Belarusians carrying national flags and wooden crosses marched from central Minsk to the Kurapaty forest. Nearly 100,000 people were shot dead during the Stalin era in Kurapaty. On just one day 74 years ago, more...

2 November 2011
Towards an Effective EU Lobby Inside the Belarusian Regime

Last week Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka visited Tajikistan where he claimed that Belarus should not be blamed for the current difficulties in Belarus-EU and Belarus-USA relations and that his country 'sincerely tries to establish a constructive interaction'. This is...

1 November 2011
Belarus and China in the Love Triangle: Who is the Third Party?

Recently, Belarus was frequented by Chinese matchmakers. To have a look at the bride with his own eyes, last month the president of Belarus went on a date with his new beloved in her own territory. In the middle...