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Is Europe Ready to Tolerate an Anti-Russian Dictatorship?
According to the Economist, some European politicians would be happy to accept dictatorship in Belarus as long as it is not pro-Russian. Mr Lukashenka’s...
3 December 2010
Image from www.energia.gr
Lukashenka Plays the Ace Up His Sleeve

23 July 2010
Economist: It Takes One to Know One
Economist: It Takes One to Know One

The Economist reports on the media war broken out between Belarus and Russia. One good thing about what is going on is that for the first time the public in Belarus...

5 June 2010
Customs Union of Former Soviet Nations Fails Due to Total Absence of Mutual Trust

The post-Soviet integration and cooperation initiatives have an extremely unsuccessful track record. It seems that the problems persist. Recently, the very idea of Customs Union between Belarus, Russian Federation and Kazakhstan had been questioned, after the government of Belarus...

20 April 2010
Where is Belarus in International Rankings?

Below is an overview of position of Belarus in various international rankings. The overview suggests that although human potential of the country is relatively good, the country has serious problems with freedom. As a result, the realization of this...

4 April 2010
A Guide to Eastern Europe’s Most Tedious Arguments: Vilnius / Wilno / Vilnia

Edward Lukas in the Economist writes about the most contentious issues in Eastern Europe. The contemporaty city of Vilnius is certainly one of those issues. Very few people realise that as a result of the 1939 Stalin-Hitler agreement deviding Europe...

27 February 2010
Belarus Potash and Democracy
Belarus Potash and Democracy

Stay off the potash is the title of Edward Lucas’s recent article in the Economist, where he reflects on effectiveness of trade boycotts. Although the...

22 January 2010
The Economist: The Borderlands of Europe Should not be Left Behind
The Economist: The Borderlands of Europe Should not be Left Behind

Indeed, despite laying in the geographical centre of Europe, Belarus is psychologically, mentally, still at the very outskirts of the continent. Expansion of the EU has put an Iron...

28 December 2009
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus

An interview with Michail Holasaŭ (Mikhail Golosov), a Belarus-born economics professor at Yale University. The initiative of these people is really worth admiration. It is very important for the Belarusian...

22 August 2009
Internet Guru Evgeny Morozov Moves to Georgetown as a Yahoo! Fellow
Internet Guru Evgeny Morozov Moves to Georgetown as a Yahoo! Fellow

Evgeny Morozov became a Yahoo! Fellow at Georgetown University for 2009-2010. A national of Belarus, Evgeny was a fellow of Open Society Institute in New York before moving to Washington. He publishes and speaks widely on of the...

5 May 2009
Shifts in Belarus’s Domestic and Foreign Policies and Its Implications For The Region
Shifts in Belarus’s Domestic and Foreign Policies and Its Implications For The Region

You are invited to attend a presentation by Jaroslav Romanchuk, a leading market-oriented Belarusian economist.  The presentation is organized by the Baltic Black Sea Initiative (BBSI). Mr. Romanchuk...

19 April 2009
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97
Jonathan Moore’s interview to Charter97

The United States chargé d’affaires in Belarus Jonathan Moore recently gave an interview to Charter97. Below is the full text of the interview: - Mr. Moore, an...