Belarusian human rights defenders agree on joint principles of human rights work. Statkievič released after 5 days in jail. MOJ denies registration of United Civic Party’s women’s branch. BAJ assesses openness of governmental institutions for journalists. 24-hour carnival completes Vulica Brasil Urban...

Dramatic deterioration of human rights situation in March: over 900 people subjected to various forms of repression, according to Viasna. BY_Help initiative collects $27K to help detainees of the March protests in Belarus. Urban Forester's volunteers plant 20,000 trees. 34 Media Days project...

A palpable liberalisation is evident in the Belarusian state press with regard to politics and the economy in a context of threatening moves from Russia. A major official newspaper writes about an opposition-led protest in a neutral tone for the...

The Second Annual London Conference on Belarusian Studies will take place on February 25, while the 7th International Congress of Belarusian Studies announces a call for sections. SYMPA releases a social advertising video on corruption in public procurement. REP independent...

Ostrogorski Centre analyzes Belarusian foreign and national security policy. Belarus Security Blog releases the September analysis of the situation in the field of national security and defence. Prelude to KEF 2016: Aliaksandr Čubryk argues that the key reason for Belarus‘...

In October the Ostrogorski Centre participated in the Sixth International Congress of Belarusian Studies, the largest annual conference on Belarus in the social sciences and humanities. Its analysts presented analytical papers on Belarus-Russia disintegration and non-formal education in Belarus. It...

Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum (KEF) opens registration. Helsinki Committee and Danish Institute for Human Rights roll out the Human Rights and Business country guide for Belarus. BRC presents results of the 2nd Think Tank Rating – BEROC ranks top. Sixth International...

Fastest crowdfunding campaign ever has collected money for an athlete and rock band singer Vitaĺ Hurkoŭ. Online registration on the 6th International Congress of Belarusian Studies is now open. Svetlana Alexievich held its first public presentation in the very heart...

The Ostrogorski Centre, the organisation behind Belarus Digest, starts publishing regular updates about its activities, including new projects, and comments by its analysts. During the the first half of October Belarus saw two major events: the presidential elections and the...

Perspektiva organises a National Forum of Entrepreneurs to enable them to share opinions how they see their future in Belarus. Fountain on Grushevskaya street in Minsk will be restored for the money of locals. The local residents decided to take...

Organisers of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies officially published its list of sections and panels for the upcoming event. This year's Congress will include a wide range topics such as culture, Belarusian language translations of the Bible and problems...

A new project Civic Dialogue gathered representatives of both state and independent think tanks, journalists and officials. Participants of the “What Do Belarusian Businesses Think” discussed results of latest research on competitiveness of Belarusian regions. Ales Bialacki may be amnestied, opposition...