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Belarus in Amnesty International’s Report 2010
Belarus in Amnesty International’s Report 2010
On May 27, launching Amnesty International Report 2010: State of the World's Human Rights*, which documents abuses in 159 countries, the organization said that powerful governments are blocking advances in international...
31 May 2010
How Low Can Minsk Go for Cheaper Energy?

To lower the price of Russian energy Belarus has tried pleas, threats, promises, and blackmail. Minsk set lowering the cost of imported energy as a condition to joining the Customs Union with Russia...

27 May 2010
No News on the United States Policy on Belarus Sanctions
No News on the United States Policy on Belarus Sanctions

Earlier this week, the United States Embassy in Minsk issued a press release on economic sanctions. Despite Belarus authorities hopes, the change of administration in the White House has not resulted in the...

25 May 2010
Customs Union: Economically Sound, Politically Harmful?
Customs Union: Economically Sound, Politically Harmful?

Russian business daily Vedomosti reported today that the Customs Union negotiated between Moscow, Minsk, and Astana may come into effect without Belarus. The paper quoted BNP Paribas official as saying that Kiev would...

24 May 2010
Insider’s view from Belarusian Gay Pride March
Insider’s view from Belarusian Gay Pride March

Sergey Yenin, a vice chairman of the LGBT Human Rights Group GayBelarus.By and co-organizer of the Slavic Pride in Minsk shares his first-hand experience. Gay Pride March took place in Minsk on May...

16 May 2010
(In)famous Belarusian Justice
(In)famous Belarusian Justice

Last week, two men were sentenced to death in Hrodna, Belarus. The previously convicted men have murdered three during an armed robbery. They have 10 days...

11 May 2010
Minsk Authorities Ban Slavic Gay Pride scheduled for May 15
Minsk Authorities Ban Slavic Gay Pride scheduled for May 15

According to GayRussia*, the city authorities have banned this weekend's Slavic Gay Pride March, using an obscure law that says public events are not allowed near underground pedestrian crossings and metro stations.

10 May 2010
Foreign Policy Magazine Names Belarusian Iryna Vidanava Among the World’s Top Dissidents
Foreign Policy Magazine Names Belarusian Iryna Vidanava Among the World’s Top Dissidents

Foreign Policy has published a list of the World's Top Dissidents that includes a person from Belarus: Iryna Vidanava, founder and editor of the multimedia youth magazine 34. It is understood that 34...

7 May 2010
Belarusian President Wants to be European Nazarbayev?
Belarusian President Wants to be European Nazarbayev?

In his May 4 interview with the Reuters news agency, Belarusian president again tried to pose as a strong figure independent both of the West and Moscow. However, while he...

1 May 2010
Leaders of Belarus and Ukraine Discuss Their Relationship with the EU

Looking for subtext in yesterday’s meeting between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka in Minsk is all the more tempting because Lukashenka had urged not to look for one. Among other things, the two leaders discussed...

27 April 2010
Scandal in Vienna: Belarusian Regime Funded by Austrian Business?

Is Belarus sliding into the realm of notoriously corrupt Third World states? New scandal in Vienna involved Belarusian leader and resembled exploits of corrupt politicians from some African and Asian states.

14 April 2010
No Official Mourning In Belarus After Death of Kaczyński So Far

Today Belarus is the only country in the region that has not declared a day of national mourning following the death of the Polish president in...

13 April 2010
Political Sphere in Belarus: from Marxism-Leninism to Political Science

Like its native country, the discipline of political science in Belarus will take decades to outgrow its Soviet past. After all, most of the country’s contemporary social science luminaries were brought up on the volumes of...

11 April 2010
Instead of Landing in Minsk, Kaczyński’s Plane Crashed in Smolensk

9 April 2010
Offshore Programming in Belarus: What Capitalism May Start From

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