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Regulating Internet in Belarus
Regulating Internet in Belarus
The drawing was inspired by Peter Steiner's cartoon "On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog" from July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker, (Vol.69 (LXIX) no. 20).  
8 February 2010
Russia’s New Military Doctrine Mentions Belarusian Security
Russia’s New Military Doctrine Mentions Belarusian Security

On February 5, 2010 President Dmitri Medvedev approved a new Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The document replaces the version adopted in 2000 and will serve as...

7 February 2010
President Signed Decree on Regulation of the Internet
President Signed Decree on Regulation of the Internet

The Belarusian government’s plans to regulate Internet have finally taken a form: last week president Lukašenka has signed a decree on “measures regarding improvement of the national segment of the...

5 February 2010
Looking Back at Presidential Elections in Belarus
Looking Back at Presidential Elections in Belarus

Next year, Belarusians will vote in the fourth presidential election in their history as an independent nation. Belarus has been led by President Alyaksandr Lukashenka since 1994. This blogpost...

4 February 2010
Repressions against Media in the Wake of Presidential Elections in Belarus
Repressions against Media in the Wake of Presidential Elections in Belarus

As presidential elections are getting closer, Belarus authorities have stepped up their efforts to silence media not under their control. Over the last few days, the Council of Ministers imposed...

31 January 2010
Belarus in the Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide
Belarus in the Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide

The chapter on Belarus was included in the Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide published earlier this year. The three volumes account for more than 1300 pages of important and...

24 January 2010
Journal ‘Political Sphere’ Inviting Submissions
Journal ‘Political Sphere’ Inviting Submissions

The Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed journal of political studies Political sphere (Palitychnaja Sfera) is currently inviting submissions for Issue 14 (spring 2010). The main focus of the issue...

22 January 2010
Is Ukraine More Repressed than Belarus?
Is Ukraine More Repressed than Belarus?

According to Heritage Foundation, a US conservative think tank, Belarus has more freedom than Ukraine. Belarus is ranked as 150 out of 179 countries in the Index of Economic...

22 January 2010
Political Repressions in Belarus Continue Despite Talks of Democratization

A story so outrageous and so boringly usual for Belarus: Ihar Slučak, a political activist, is being threatened by police because of his intentions to participate in local elections scheduled for April.

21 January 2010
Belarus and Russia Argue About Oil Transit Prices


20 January 2010
Corruption in the Belarusian Democratic Opposition Provokes Scandals

The Belarusian opposition seems to be heavily dependent on financing from abroad. During the past 15 years the Belarusian government has cut...

17 January 2010
Putin’s Aide: Don’t Throw Flames on Russia-Belarus Oil Talks

15 January 2010
Reporters Without Borders is concerned about the government’s plans to tighten control of the Internet in Belarus

10 January 2010
Belarusian Authorities Agreed to Extension of OSCE Mission

8 January 2010
Belarusian Visa Price Has Risen to EUR 180 if Issued at the Airport

The main aim of a visa regime is to regulate migration flow and to prevent eventual illegal immigrants from entering the country....