
An article by one of this website’s authors for the on-line magazine Novaja Europa:

To be precise, the Belarusian officials have not yet approved the introduction of additional measures to regulate Internet in Belarus. However, Belarusian...

The international community showed little interest in the Belarus-initiated amendment to the Kyoto Protocol at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in...

One Santa, 14 Snow Maidens, and 5 New Year’s Bunnies marched in downtown Minsk Dec. 22 protesting restrictions on the public activities of unregistered organizations. The...

The Venezuelan oil and energy minister announced a new Belarus-Venezuela oil project the Orinoco River Basin.

Members of the European Parliament agreed to prolong sanctions against Belarus while at the same time postponing their application. A resolution adopted...

Appeasement in our time -- Berlusconi goes to Belarus by Joerg Forbrig BERLIN -- This year has been full of celebrations of the peaceful revolutions of 1989, arguably the most important advance of freedom, democracy, and human rights in history. But...

Нацыянальны цэнтр заканадаўства і прававых даследаванняў пры Адміністрацыі прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь узнаўляе працу па распрацоўцы праекта закона «Аб беларусах замежжа». Нацыянальны цэнтр заканадаўства і прававых даследаванняў пры Адміністрацыі прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь узнаўляе працу па распрацоўцы праекта закона «Аб беларусах замежжа».

The concerns in the West are not just about the size the Russian-Belarusian exercise, but by the fact that foreign observers hadn’t been invited to observe them. NATO spokesperson...

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez tightens bonds with US foes: from Castro to Lukashenka, the influential British newspaper The Times states. Hugo Chávez defends...