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Belarus Officials Fly to Russia for Oil Talks
The Belarusian-Russian oil conflict once again demonstrates the fact that relations between both countries are far from what could have been called...
5 January 2010
Russian-Belarusian Druzhba


4 January 2010
Financial Times: Russia Stops Delivery of Oil to Belarus

30 December 2009
2000s for Democracy in Belarus: a Decade of Disappointment

An article by one of this website’s authors for the on-line magazine Novaja Europa:

29 December 2009
Internet Censorship in the Authoritarian Belarus

To be precise, the Belarusian officials have not yet approved the introduction of additional measures to regulate Internet in Belarus. However, Belarusian...

29 December 2009
Belarus’ Efforts to Reduce CO2 Footprint Found Little Support

The international community showed little interest in the Belarus-initiated amendment to the Kyoto Protocol at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in...

25 December 2009
Santa Claus Beaten up by Belarus Police

One Santa, 14 Snow Maidens, and 5 New Year’s Bunnies marched in downtown Minsk Dec. 22 protesting restrictions on the public activities of unregistered organizations. The...

24 December 2009
Belarus Looking for Oil in Latin America

The Venezuelan oil and energy minister announced a new Belarus-Venezuela oil project the Orinoco River Basin.

20 December 2009
EU Sanctions: the Longer the More Surreal

Members of the European Parliament agreed to prolong sanctions against Belarus while at the same time postponing their application. A resolution adopted...

16 December 2009
Guardian: Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan disavow arms flight from North Korea

2 December 2009
Naša Niva: To Study, Study and Again Study Capitalism

1 December 2009
German Marshall Fund of the United States Blogs on Belarus
German Marshall Fund of the United States Blogs on Belarus

Appeasement in our time -- Berlusconi goes to Belarus by Joerg Forbrig BERLIN -- This year has been full of celebrations of the peaceful revolutions of 1989, arguably the most important advance of freedom, democracy, and human rights in history. But...

28 November 2009
Ці пойдзе дзяржава насустрач беларусам замежжа?

Нацыянальны цэнтр заканадаўства і прававых даследаванняў пры Адміністрацыі прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь узнаўляе працу па распрацоўцы праекта закона «Аб беларусах замежжа». Нацыянальны цэнтр заканадаўства і прававых даследаванняў пры Адміністрацыі прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь узнаўляе працу па распрацоўцы праекта закона «Аб беларусах замежжа».

25 November 2009
NATO: Russia and Belarus military exercise hasn’t contributed to building up confidence

The concerns in the West are not just about the size the Russian-Belarusian exercise, but by the fact that foreign observers hadn’t been invited to observe them. NATO spokesperson...

23 November 2009
The Times: Hugo Chávez defends the ‘bad guys’ of the world

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez tightens bonds with US foes: from Castro to Lukashenka, the influential British newspaper The Times states. Hugo Chávez defends...