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Google Translate: Belarusian Language

google_translate The US Internet giant Google now offers a free translation service from and into Belarusian. If you come across a text in Belarusian language and would like to translate it...


The US Internet giant Google now offers a free translation service from and into Belarusian. If you come across a text in Belarusian language and would like to translate it into English – simply go to Google Translate.

There you can either paste a text or upload a document. You can also impress others with your knowledge of Belarusian language, because the quality of translations is very impressive. Here is an example of how Google translates from English into Belarusian:

Having concluded another round of consultations with Belarus authorities, the International Monetary Fund urges the Government to sell state assets, curb lending and raise utility prices to cope with the most serious economic crises in more than a decade

Завяршыўшы чарговы раўнд кансультацый з уладамі Беларусі, Міжнародны валютны фонд заклікае ўрад прадаваць дзяржаўнае маёмасць, абмежаванні крэдытавання і падвышаць камунальныя паслугі, каб справіцца з самымі сур’ёзнымі эканамічнымі крызісамі ў больш чым за дзесяцігоддзе.

The service is available at http://translate.google.com.

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