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ЗША падоўжылі змякчэнне санкцый супраць двух прадпрыемстваў «Белнафтахіма»
Мінфін ЗША у чарговы раз падоўжыў рашэнне пра змякчэнне санкцый супраць двух беларускіх прадпрыемстваў канцэрна «Белнафтахім» – ААТ «Лакафарба» і «Полацк-Шкловалакно». Як паведамляе афіцыйны...
17 November 2009
Financial Times: Behemoths in Belarus Belie Stalling Economy
Financial Times: Behemoths in Belarus Belie Stalling Economy

London's Financial Times published another piece on Belarus economy. About a year ago the leading European business newspaper released a special supplement devoted to promotion...

9 November 2009
15 Years and Counting: Inside Lukashenka’s Belarus
15 Years and Counting: Inside Lukashenka’s Belarus

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty and the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe invite you to a briefing with top Belarusian pro-democracy leaders 15 Years and Counting: Inside Lukashenka's Belarus November 12,...

5 November 2009
Russian-Belarusian exersices made Poland ask for help from US

Poland’s foreign minister called upon the US to deploy its troops on the territory of the country to defend it from military aggression.

5 November 2009
Філіп ГОРДАН: «Мінску трэба прайсці вельмі доўгі шлях»

Мінску трэба прайсці яшчэ “вельмі доўгі шлях” для паляпшэння двухбаковых адносін са Злучанымі Штатамі Амерыкі, лічыць памочнік дзяржсакратара ЗША па справах Еўропы і Еўразіі Філіп Гордан....

8 October 2009
Belarus May Win from the Change of US Missile Defense Plans

On Sept. 17, to Russia’s satisfaction and to Poland’s chagrin, President Obama announced canceling US plans to build a missile base in Poland and a radar system in...

14 September 2009
Washington Post: Belarusans Basking in — Not Hiding From — the Spotlight’s Glare
Washington Post: Belarusans Basking in — Not Hiding From — the Spotlight’s Glare

17 August 2009
What Washington and Minsk Have to Talk About
What Washington and Minsk Have to Talk About

On Friday, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Phillip Gordon listened more than he talked. Perhaps because he was not graced with the presence of the chief Belarusian...

17 July 2009
Freedom House: Belarus is the only “Not Free” Country in Europe

WASHINGTON — Freedom House released its country reports on freedom in the world. Belarus remains the only European country classiffied as “Not Free”. A few former Soviet Union countries did better — Ukraine and Baltic States are regarded “Free”, while...

3 July 2009
New York Times: Russia’s Neighbors Resist Wooing and Bullying
New York Times: Russia’s Neighbors Resist Wooing and Bullying

1 July 2009
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka, left, welcoming a group of U.S. congressmen in Minsk on Tuesday. Photo by Nikolai Petrov / Belta.
Will Belarus follow the US ‘road map’? US Congressmen visit Minsk to find out

 Detaining American citizens to hand them over...

11 June 2009
IMF to lend Belarus an additional $1 billion
IMF to lend Belarus an additional $1 billion

Apparently, the IMF mission to Belarus was satisfied with the efforts the country is making to tackle its worst economic crises since early 1990-s. The fund agreed...

29 May 2009
The Wall Street Journal: Europe’s Last Dictatorship
The Wall Street Journal: Europe’s Last Dictatorship

20 May 2009
Iryna Khalip is Honored with Courage in Journalism Award
Iryna Khalip is Honored with Courage in Journalism Award

The Washington-based International Women’s Media Foundation awarded a 2009 Courage in Journalism Award to Iryna Khalip, a Belarusian journalist who is frequently detained and subjected to all-night...

22 April 2009
Foreign Policy: An Unwanted Guest
Foreign Policy: An Unwanted Guest

Irina Krasovskaya and David Kramer published a piece in Foreign Policy on the European Union’s recent overtures to Belarus.