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Legendary Hockey Player Gretzky Meets Belarusian Relatives
Legendary Hockey Player Gretzky Meets Belarusian Relatives
  Wayne Gretzky, the legendary Belarusian-Canadian ice hockey player, has met his Belarusian relatives during a visit to Belarus, Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belarusi reported. Gretzky’s grandfather Anthony Gretzky (Ciarenci Hrecki) was...
7 February 2010
President Signed Decree on Regulation of the Internet
President Signed Decree on Regulation of the Internet

The Belarusian government’s plans to regulate Internet have finally taken a form: last week president Lukašenka has signed a decree on “measures regarding improvement of the national segment of the...

5 February 2010
Looking Back at Presidential Elections in Belarus
Looking Back at Presidential Elections in Belarus

Next year, Belarusians will vote in the fourth presidential election in their history as an independent nation. Belarus has been led by President Alyaksandr Lukashenka since 1994. This blogpost...

1 February 2010
The Russia-Belarus Oil Dispute Settled. At Least for Now.
The Russia-Belarus Oil Dispute Settled. At Least for Now.

  According to the deal, Russia will deliver 6.3 million tons of oil to Belarus duty free this year. This is exactly the amount Moscow had promised at the beginning of negotiations. Russia agreed that Belarus will raise oil...

26 January 2010
Belarus-Russia Oil Dispute: Nothing Personal, Just Business
Belarus-Russia Oil Dispute: Nothing Personal, Just Business

A commentary by one of this website’s authors on the Russian-Belarusian oil duties dispute, for Novaja Eŭropa on-line magazine Let’s admit, Belarusian authorities have no effective arguments in the current...

25 January 2010
Customs Union Hits Russian Telecom Providers
Customs Union Hits Russian Telecom Providers

Russian mobile telecom providers are unable to bring their newly purchased equipment to Russia because of the licensing issues that emerged with the recent creation of the customs union between...

24 January 2010
Journal ‘Political Sphere’ Inviting Submissions
Journal ‘Political Sphere’ Inviting Submissions

The Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed journal of political studies Political sphere (Palitychnaja Sfera) is currently inviting submissions for Issue 14 (spring 2010). The main focus of the issue...

22 January 2010
Is Ukraine More Repressed than Belarus?
Is Ukraine More Repressed than Belarus?

According to Heritage Foundation, a US conservative think tank, Belarus has more freedom than Ukraine. Belarus is ranked as 150 out of 179 countries in the Index of Economic...

22 January 2010
The Economist: The Borderlands of Europe Should not be Left Behind
The Economist: The Borderlands of Europe Should not be Left Behind

Indeed, despite laying in the geographical centre of Europe, Belarus is psychologically, mentally, still at the very outskirts of the continent. Expansion of the EU has put an Iron...

22 January 2010
Political Repressions in Belarus Continue Despite Talks of Democratization

A story so outrageous and so boringly usual for Belarus: Ihar Slučak, a political activist, is being threatened by police because of his intentions to participate in local elections scheduled for April.

20 January 2010
Corruption in the Belarusian Democratic Opposition Provokes Scandals

The Belarusian opposition seems to be heavily dependent on financing from abroad. During the past 15 years the Belarusian government has cut...

15 January 2010
Reporters Without Borders is concerned about the government’s plans to tighten control of the Internet in Belarus

14 January 2010
Russian-Belarusian Oil Row Continues

Belarus, a small post-Soviet state once hardly distinguishable from Russia and chronically misspelled in the Western press, has been making more and more headlines lately. And if the Russian-Belarusian military exercises with deployment of Russia’s most advanced S-400 air...

11 January 2010
Chernobyl Death Toll: The Price of Cheap Nuclear Energy is Yet Unclear

While Belarus authorities are raising funds to build a new nuclear power plant, the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are still puzzling the scientists. The British Guardian devoted an article to the increased cancer and infant mortality rates...

10 January 2010
Belarusian Authorities Agreed to Extension of OSCE Mission