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6 April 2010
Boris Kit, Rocket Scientist and Belarusian, Turns 100 Today

The German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung began its article on Boris Kit's 100th anniversary with a scene from revolutionary Petrograd:

4 April 2010
A Guide to Eastern Europe’s Most Tedious Arguments: Vilnius / Wilno / Vilnia

Edward Lukas in the Economist writes about the most contentious issues in Eastern Europe. The contemporaty city of Vilnius is certainly one of those issues. Very few people realise that as a result of the 1939 Stalin-Hitler agreement deviding Europe...

31 March 2010
Third opposition candidate for presidency
Third opposition candidate for presidency

In his article for the Jamestown Foundation the known expert on Belarus David Marples portrays Andrei Sannikau who recently announced his willing to run for the presidency.

30 March 2010
Comedy Star Lisa Kudrow Discovers Her Belarusian Roots
Comedy Star Lisa Kudrow Discovers Her Belarusian Roots

The American Comedy star Lisa Kudrow has found her Belarusian roots in NBC's project Who Do You Think You Are. Her ancestors were Jews from the village Illia, Minsk province of Belarus....

29 March 2010
Capital Punishment in Belarus

Last week Belarusians Andrey Zhuk and Vasil Yuzepchuk were secretly executed in the Minsk Detention Center No. 1. They were informed of the execution only minutes before they were shot. Their families were not notified that the execution would...

22 March 2010
Belarusian Officials Want a License to Unleash Repressions From the EU
Belarusian Officials Want a License to Unleash Repressions From the EU

By organizing repressions against the unloyal fraction of the Polish minority the Belarusian officials only want to test what EU's response will be, the Belarusian political analyst Vitali Silicki argues. Indeed, unlike several...

21 March 2010
125 Cities Across the Globe for a Free Belarus
125 Cities Across the Globe for a Free Belarus

Solidarity and support from European civil society is crucial for democratic forces in Belarus. Belarus is indeed the last Eastern European country that has not joined the Free World after the breakdown of...

16 March 2010
Belarus to Diversify Away From Russian Oil Supplies
Belarus to Diversify Away From Russian Oil Supplies

A bit of sensational news came today in the morning: starting May, Belarus will daily buy 80,000 barrels of oil from Venezuela. According to media reports, this number is comparable to the current...

16 March 2010
No Pro-Russian Political Forces in Belarus

What do you think is the difference between Belarus and Eastern Ukraine? Despite being as much slavophilic, predominantly Russian-speaking and Soviet-nostalgic, the Belarusian society seems to be less pro-Russian then the population of Eastern Ukraine. There are fewer ethnic...

12 March 2010
Common Currency for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia: as Far as It Has Always Been

Several observers say that the introduction of a common currency should be the next step of the integration of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. The three countries have recently created a customs union and it is logical to assume that...

7 March 2010
Internet Censorship in Authoritarian Belarus

  Belarusian Review Spring 2010 GUEST EDITORIAL by Viachaslau Bortnik

5 March 2010
Today is the 70th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre Decision
Today is the 70th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre Decision

On this day 70 years ago, on March 5, 1940, the politburo of the Communist Party of the USSR has passed the decision to kill several thousands officers of the Polish army. The...

5 March 2010
Kraków City Council Declares Lukashenka Persona Non-Grata

The council of the Polish city of Kraków has declared Aliaksandr Lukašenka, the President of Belarus, persona non grata in the city. It is a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the Union of Poles in Belarus. The city council...

5 March 2010
Playing Chess with Belarus Dictator

In his newest blog entry Pavol Demeš of the Central and Eastern Europe program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States compares the last European dictator with tough chess player who frequently uses forbidden moves to win....