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Leaders of Belarus and Ukraine Discuss Their Relationship with the EU
Looking for subtext in yesterday’s meeting between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka in Minsk is all the more tempting because Lukashenka had urged not to look for one. Among other things, the two leaders discussed...
26 April 2010
How to Benefit from Being Encircled by Soviet-Type Nuclear Plants
How to Benefit from Being Encircled by Soviet-Type Nuclear Plants

On 26 April 1986, a human error and the Soviet equipment caused the Chernobyl disaster - the largest technological catastrophe ever. For many days Soviet authorities attempted to conceal the scale of the...

9 April 2010
Offshore Programming in Belarus: What Capitalism May Start From

4 April 2010
A Guide to Eastern Europe’s Most Tedious Arguments: Vilnius / Wilno / Vilnia

Edward Lukas in the Economist writes about the most contentious issues in Eastern Europe. The contemporaty city of Vilnius is certainly one of those issues. Very few people realise that as a result of the 1939 Stalin-Hitler agreement deviding Europe...

31 March 2010
Third opposition candidate for presidency
Third opposition candidate for presidency

In his article for the Jamestown Foundation the known expert on Belarus David Marples portrays Andrei Sannikau who recently announced his willing to run for the presidency.

16 March 2010
Belarus to Diversify Away From Russian Oil Supplies
Belarus to Diversify Away From Russian Oil Supplies

A bit of sensational news came today in the morning: starting May, Belarus will daily buy 80,000 barrels of oil from Venezuela. According to media reports, this number is comparable to the current...

12 March 2010
Common Currency for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia: as Far as It Has Always Been

Several observers say that the introduction of a common currency should be the next step of the integration of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. The three countries have recently created a customs union and it is logical to assume that...

1 February 2010
The Russia-Belarus Oil Dispute Settled. At Least for Now.
The Russia-Belarus Oil Dispute Settled. At Least for Now.

  According to the deal, Russia will deliver 6.3 million tons of oil to Belarus duty free this year. This is exactly the amount Moscow had promised at the beginning of negotiations. Russia agreed that Belarus will raise oil...

26 January 2010
Belarus-Russia Oil Dispute: Nothing Personal, Just Business
Belarus-Russia Oil Dispute: Nothing Personal, Just Business

A commentary by one of this website’s authors on the Russian-Belarusian oil duties dispute, for Novaja Eŭropa on-line magazine Let’s admit, Belarusian authorities have no effective arguments in the current...

25 January 2010
Customs Union Hits Russian Telecom Providers
Customs Union Hits Russian Telecom Providers

Russian mobile telecom providers are unable to bring their newly purchased equipment to Russia because of the licensing issues that emerged with the recent creation of the customs union between...

17 January 2010
Putin’s Aide: Don’t Throw Flames on Russia-Belarus Oil Talks

14 January 2010
Russian-Belarusian Oil Row Continues

Belarus, a small post-Soviet state once hardly distinguishable from Russia and chronically misspelled in the Western press, has been making more and more headlines lately. And if the Russian-Belarusian military exercises with deployment of Russia’s most advanced S-400 air...

5 January 2010
Belarus Officials Fly to Russia for Oil Talks

The Belarusian-Russian oil conflict once again demonstrates the fact that relations between both countries are far from what could have been called...

4 January 2010
Financial Times: Russia Stops Delivery of Oil to Belarus

28 December 2009
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus
Naša Niva: Belarusian Economists from Western Universities Plan to Launch a Masters Programme in Belarus

An interview with Michail Holasaŭ (Mikhail Golosov), a Belarus-born economics professor at Yale University. The initiative of these people is really worth admiration. It is very important for the Belarusian...