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RSS politics category
Political Prisoner Attempted a Suicide – Politics Digest
With Ales Bialiatskiy named a human rights defender of the year by the Human Rights Alliance, the government continued to exert pressure on civil society activists resulting in a number of arrests in the regions. The West continued to...
14 December 2011
The War of Blacklists – Belarus Politics Digest

Yesterday a former Belarusian presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich found himself on an INTERPOL blacklist. The Polish authorities had briefly detained him in the Warsaw airport before they found out that he was put on the list by Belarusian authorities...

2 December 2011
Opinion: The Symbol for a New Generation in Belarus

Some people in Belarus still cling to Lukashenka’s regime ideology as they cannot imagine anything else. Others have a different view of the country’s future but prefer to remain silent and suffer in solitude.  There are also those who...

9 November 2011
No IMF Loan for Belarus Because Political Prisoners Do Not Want to Be Free?

If Russia does not increase the amount of subsidies to Belarus, Lukashenka will have to accept the proposals of the Ministry of Economy and the National Bank: to privatize (or rather, to carry out the nomenklatura privatization of) one...

18 October 2011
Criminal Case against a Prominent Musician – Politics and Civil Society Digest

Last week the Belarusian authorities initiated a criminal case against a prominent Belarusian musician for insulting Lukashenka. They also imposed fines on organizers of the People's Assembly and introduced controversial amendments to strengthen security services. The main civil society...

19 September 2011
More Political Prisoners Released – Politics and Civil Society Digest

Eleven more released last week, but the most important political prisoners - three former presidential candidates and a leading human rights activist, are still in jail. On the civil society front, the most visible events relate to promotion of...

13 September 2011
The Dialogue Delusion – Digest of Belarusian Analytics

Last week Belarusian analysts were busy discussing Lukashenka's proposal to negotiate with his opponents and the West on how to combat the crises in Belarus. A few days following his proposal Lukashenka said he never meant to discuss anything with...

12 September 2011
More Pressure against Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’ – Politics and Civil Society Digest

The Belarusian authorities intensify their pressure on Viasna, the most active human rights organization in the country. Based on materials the Belarusian authorities received from Lithuania and Poland, they have kept Viasna's chairman Ales Byaliatski in prison since August. This...

6 September 2011
Slow Release of Political Prisoners – Politics & Civil Society Digest

Under pressure from the West, Belarusian authorities have begun to release political prisoners. It appears that Lukashenka is prepared to take a long time to release all prisoners to reap as many benefits as possible. Over a dozen protestors...

3 September 2011
Learning Democratic Skills Behind Bars

This week the Belarusian leader vowed to release all political prisoners by the beginning of October. The situation in the country is unlikely to change this time around. However, one day Alyaksandr Lukashenka may realize that by putting people...

16 August 2011
Mixed Message from Minsk – Politics & Civil Society Digest

Belarus authorities send a mixed message about their willingness to soften repressions against their opponents. On the one hand, nine participants of December 2011 protests against falsification of elections were pardoned last week. On the other hand, criminal investigation proceedings...

15 August 2011
Bargaining for Political Prisoners Has Begun? – Digest of Belarusian Analytics

Belarusian analysts began discussing the reasons why Lukashenka pardoned nine participants of protests against falsification of elections in December 2010. Others analyze why those protests have not materialized in political changes and what comes next as the economic crises...

10 July 2011
IMF Loan as a Prepayment for Political Prisoners?

The Belarusian government and the National Bank of Belarus recently applied for a stabilization loan from  the International Monetary Fund. Prime-Minister Miasnikovich noted on 1 June 2011 that Belarus expected to receive USD 3.5 – 8 billion from the...

10 June 2011
Loan from the IMF or Privatization by the Russians?

Belarus' economy needs external financing more then ever before. The government resists privatization but it will have to surrender soon, even if the International Monetary Fund decides to extend another loan.  Recently the Belarusian weekly Belorusski Rynok discussed the chances...

28 May 2011
Lukashenka’s Prisoners Dilemma

As the economic crisis deepens, Belarusian authorities have become increasingly worried about possible social unrest. There are good reasons for them to worry. Not only is the country in the midst of the worst economic crisis in its modern...